Binary/Data Terms

bits: binary digit, either a 1 or 0
bytes: a group of bits, usually 8, as a unit
hexadecimal: a numbering system with base 16 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, a, b, c, e, f)

Binary Numbers

unsigned integer: An integer that doesn't have a sign (can't be negative)
signed integer: an integer that does have a sign (can be negative)
floating point: a way to represent a number approximately and has decimals

Binary Data Abstractions

boolean: true or false
ASCII: also the American Standard Code for Information Interchange is an encoding standard for computer communication
Unicode: A standard or all characters around the world (includes emojis)
RGB: red green blue, one way to represent a color for a computer

Data Compression

Lossy: A way of compressing data that looses some of the detail an quality
Lossless: A way of compressing data that keeps all of the quality (bigger file size)

Algorithm/Programming Terms

Variables: A way to store data in a program
Data Types: The types of data stored in memory (boolean, integer, double, etc.)
Assignment Operators: A way of changing the data in a variable, usually =

Managing Complexity With Variables

List: In Python a way to store many variables in one variable and be able to call all of them like 'list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'
2D List: A list with no iterables inside it
Dictionaries: A way to add a key to a value (like switch/case)
Class: A way to store methods in a package
Algorithm: A way to make a chunk of code do something
Sequence: An amount of tasks that run one after the other
Selection: In a dictionary the value is what is selected
Iteration: Running the same (or similar) code multiple times
Expressions: A bit of math that is run
Comparison Operators: Logic that compares variables like < > == !=
Boolean Expressions: Math that is done with booleans
Truth Table: A table to help with logical operations
Character: a single character in unicode like 'a'
String: A collection of characters like "allo"
Length: The length of a string or an iterable like len(list)
Concatenation: Connecting strings, characters, or variables together to make a string like print("Hello" + " World!")
Upper: Making a string or char uppercase
Lower: Making a string or char lowercase


If: If this, do that, else do this
Elif: If not this, then if this?
elif(other thing):
print("other thing")'
Nested Selection: If this, then if this, then if this, then if this??
For: loops through a list of numbers or a list itself as in 'for each in list: print(each)'
While: do something until the conditional is true as in 'while (i < 10): i += 1'
Break: stops a loop as in 'while (True): if(this): break'
Continue: Ignores other if statements
'if (this)
else if (this + that):
print( this ^2 )'
Procedural Abstraction: Giving code a name like 'def doSomething(something): print(something)'
Def: makes a function that can be called
Parameters: parentheses in a function that the code can use to be run differently with different inputs
Return statements: can turn functions into variables that can be used in code with the return value being the value that is used as a variable