Week 20

5.1 / 5.2

  • Dopamine can be a good way to relax but the overindulgence of it can lead to harmful effects


  • May disrupst existing industries (art, writing, etc)
  • Can be prone to bias


  • Three beneficial effects of my computing
    • Brings people together through shared gaming
    • Teaches about gambling and how you lose all the time
    • Brings entertainment to thoseo who play it
  • One detriment of my computing
    • Player may want to play a game too much
  • Pros/Cons of Internet blockers -Pros: - Keeps students focused - Can keep less tech-savvy students safe from malicious sites -Cons: - Can block sites students need to use that are productive (think aws sites)
  • The Digital Divide
    • I feel like the real digital divide is the difference between having a computer and the Internet and not having a computer. If you have a computer it is not that much different than having a really powerful computer, but faster internet speeds make a bigger difference. I think where we live the digital divide is pretty insignificant, but I am talking from a point of privilege.

Create Performance Task Plan

  • In order to get the maximum points on a CPT review you need to have:
    • A visual way to demonstrate your code (video)
    • A purpose written correctly
    • A list that manages complexity
    • Functions that help the program flow
      • These functions need to have parameters and run differently with different parameters
  • The part of our project I will use is blackjack code that I made for another project. I checked and this code satisfies all of the above conditions and it will fit well in our page of games.
  • Since I already made the code, all I have to do is style it to fit our new website and choose what parts I want to showcase for the CPT write-up
  • The plan is to play the game and show the cards popping up and the different inputs I acan use

College Board MCQs

On this assignment, I got a 49/50 on the quiz as seen below:

The only question I got wrong is pictured below:

As it stands, my answer is incorrect because the correct starting condition is wrong, as a circle cannot be made with a radius of 0. The circles are always one behind. To make this correct I need to fix the starting condition at the start of the loop, which is what the correct answer does.