Lessons Lesson 1-2 Lesson 3-4 Lesson 5-7 Lesson 8-10 Lesson 9-11 Lesson 12-13 Lesson 14-15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17-18 notes


Variables are ways to store data in a program and can be manipulated in many ways


Make variable names:

  • not too long
  • descriptive
  • without breaking syntax rules (dashes, spaces, colons, etc)


    Different data types can store different types of data. The types of data are

  • Integer: A whole number
  • String: A collection of characters
  • Boolean: Binary true or false
  • List: Can store many variables in one variable where you can access everything


    Data can be manipulated by assigning it to something else. You can also just change the data a little bit with different assigning operators.

  • =: Sets a variable to something else
  • +: Adds something
  • -=: Subtracts something
  • *= Multiplies something
  • /= Divides something
  • **= Does something to a power


    Lists are a very easy way to store a lot of data USE THEM

Lists Activity

arr = ["green", "red", "pink", "purple", "blue", "brown"]
for el in arr:


# Database
arr = []
go = True
    re = input("What do you want to do with the database?: ")
    if(re == "add"):
        arr.append(input("What do you want to add?: "))   
    if(re == "remove"):
        arr.remove(input("What do you want to remove?: "))   
    if(re == "change"):
        i = int(input("What element do you want to change? (number): "))
        arr[i] = input("What do you want to change it to?: ")
    if(re == "stop"):
        go = False